Sunday, April 16, 2023

Small Things

Both good and bad, small things.

  • I was about to order something I was almost out of, then decided to look one more time to see if I didn't have another one. And I did! (I really have to clean out those drawers in the bathroom, they are full of so much random whateverishness right now, it's out of control. Well, almost out of control, at least.)
  • On the other hand, I went for a short walk today, just 20 minutes, and now my back is being all twinge-y and twangy about it.
  • Which is separate from the lower-back pain of the period-that-isn't-a-period (I mean, if there's no bleeding, it's not a period, right? Even if you have the cramps and lower-back pain, so different from a regular sore back, that typically come with periods?).
  • Let's see, another good one. Oh, I know! The playoffs start tomorrow! Go Bruins!

And there's the not at all small good thing that a friend who had to have emergency surgery came though it. Believe me, my mind was all over the place while I waited to hear. She's in a tough spot, it very much sucks, but she's still here. Phew. Send good healing her way, please.


  1. Another prayer for your friend from here, and I'm so glad she's still here.

    Glad you got your walk in. I would come do back stretching exercises with you if I could.

  2. So glad your friend is doing well!

    And hooray for small victories!

  3. Yay for your friend having successful surgery! It is so hard to be on the sidelines and not know how to help.
