Wednesday, October 04, 2023


Since Mom went back in the hospital last week (thank you all for the good wishes, by the way), I have not-at-all-coincidentally been have back and neck problems. Guess where I'm carrying my tension? Yup. Guess who's been feeling a lot of stress? Yup. Yesterday morning I felt like someone put a lead weight on the back of my neck--you know, like the apron they put on you at the dentist when you get X-rays?

When I realized what I was doing (it was a clue when I had a hard time getting out of bed Saturday), I told myself that I need to be aware of it and physically force myself to relax* periodically. So if you hear me mutter "Shoulders!" to myself, that's why.

*Though "force myself to relax" sounds wrong, doesn't it? Be aware of tension and actively relax, how about that?

She did have surgery on Sunday, which the orthopedic surgeon said went very well. But she didn't have a great day Monday (understandable after surgery at age 85, I think). Tuesday she sounded much better, and is waiting to hear when they can find her a rehab bed.

Maggie says hi, and what's stress?


  1. That's exactly where I carry ALL my stress. I do the same thing, remind myself to relax my shoulders. It's important! All that inflammation became chronic with me, and it's no fun at all. Glad your mom's surgery went well.

    1. Thank you! I am really trying to work on my posture, but it feels like a losing battle some days.

  2. I start every day with ten minutes of back stretching exercises. I have to. But it really helps in my case. More importantly, hugs to you and your mom, gently.

  3. Shoulders and jaw are where I hold my tension, too! I haven't been able to fully move my neck in weeks. I keep doing my best, though. Bring those shoulders down, girl! I'm glad your mom is doing better and fingers crossed that she's back in fighting form soon.

    1. Thanks! We just have to keep breathing and try to get through the worst of it.

  4. Thank you! I knew you would understand it. The shoulders thing does work, but if you know how to get me to relax the back of my skull, let me know!

  5. Oh, to be a cat! So glad that your mother's issues are being addressed. I hope she continues to feel better and stronger, with less pain, with every passing day. And sheesh, of COURSE you are stressed. This is so stressful! I hope your shoulders ease up on you, and that LIFE eases up on you soon.

  6. First time visiting and commenting. I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. I'm glad the surgery went well and wishing her a speedy recovery. Surgery is hard at the best of times, but obviously more complicated the older we get.
    I also carry a lot of tension in my neck and shoulders. It sometimes feels like someone is pinching me up there. My mantra the last few weeks has been SLOW. I try to slow my breathing, slow my thoughts, and even slow my body - move more slowly, type more slowly...because often I'm just a blur of energy (I mean - I'm actually exhausted, but trying to power through at tip speed)...and need to remind myself it is not a race and I tend to get further ahead if I pace myself.

    1. Yes, I have to remind myself to slow, down, too. If trying to grab everything in one trip means dropping things, then you don't save yourself any time!

  7. You need a massage! Glad your mom came through the surgery well- now back to rehab. I hope things go better this time.
