Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Winning Yarn Chicken

Given how old the movie War Games is, I expect I don't have to post a spoiler warning before giving away the key point that the computer learns at the end: The only winning move is not to play.*

*How about a nice game of chess?

I was thinking of that last night, as I won at yarn chicken only because I wasn't really playing it. I was near the end of a project and near the end of the ball of yarn, but in fact I have a whole skein more, so I was fully expecting to have to use a little of that to finish things up. Thus, I was able to approach the end in a very devil-may-care fashion that is totally not how I would have felt without that reserve.

And look!

There was so little yarn left, it didn't register on the scale! 
Less than a gram. Wow.

I could never have done it if I'd been trying. But it's very satisfying anyway.


  1. I wasn't even there for the weigh-in and I'M satisfied by this!

  2. WIN!
    And I love the movie War Games. A colleague and I took my summer school class to see it. Wow! that was a hundred years ago, huh?

    1. I hate doing the math on things like that. I remember it so clearly! But yeah, it's a while ago.

  3. And such a pretty colorway! Man, doesn't it feel good?
