Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Cat, Relaxed

Maggie was racing around like her tail was on fire, then acted casual while I was eating my lunch.

"Who, me? That must have been some other cat."


  1. Oh my gosh, I love cats. They are SO funny.

    We had a squirrel in our yard acting ridiculous this weekend. There was a large tubular piece of bark on the lawn and the squirrel would run up to it, grab it, kick it with its hid legs (in a very cat-like manner), and then run away. It was hilarious.

  2. Squirrels are so funny because they are so cat-like at times, definitely. I had one on the fence when a Cooper's hawk landed about fifteen feet down from it. The squirrel was frozen in place for a moment but the hawk didn't move.

    So gradually the squirrel got closer, and closer, seeing if it could make it move. It didn't. Finally the squirrel swiped a paw at it to try to scare it away and the hawk, which clearly was not hungry, did the equivalent of rolling its eyes and a yeah, whatever, dude, and lazily lifted its wings and stepped off.

    I've seen that thing when it's in a hurry. It was not in a hurry.

    And that squirrel was like, Hah! I knew it!

    Now, if you ask Maggie if she thinks she's a kindred spirit with a squirrel she will be definitely less than amused.
