Saturday, April 16, 2022

Frog, Frog, Wait...

A couple of months ago, I wrote about frogging an old knitting project that I was ready to admit wasn't working. This week, based on something mentioned in talking with knitting friends, I felt inspired to do some more. I pulled three project bags out of a cubby and assessed them.

Number one, time to go.

Number two, also ready to go:

Then I pulled the third one out, and wait...this is a finished project. It needs to be blocked, and have the end run in, but it's done. How did it get put away like this?

I have no idea. No memory of it. I do remember finishing it, because I had to scrounge up some different yarn when I ran out with 30 stitches left in the bind-off. But then I just ... didn't block it? Well, apparently! So it's off enjoying a nice soak, and I'll show you how it goes later.

EDITED: I found another one! What on earth? What was going on with me in the winter of 2015-2016 that this happened not once but TWICE? I am so confused by Past Me right now.

So that's six projects frogged so far, and two "WTF, run in the ends and they're done" discoveries.

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