Thursday, February 10, 2022

It's Been More Than Two Years

I'm going on a small trip in a couple of weeks, and I'm both excited and a little nervous! I don't think I've spent a night away from home since my trip to Hawaii, two years ago last month. Have I? No, pretty sure not. So, two weird, weird years and now I get to try to remember how to pack.

I'm leaving two weeks from Sunday, and will only be gone for three days, no flying, so it's not really as major an expedition as it feels like. I'm just so rusty! I love the anticipation of a trip, always have, but there are definite nerves this time, and I keep reminding myself that there is very little I could forget that will ruin the whole trip. 

I even started a new knitting project to be sure it would make good social knitting (I need to catch you up on recent knitting, I'll do that soon). What could be more important than that? Well, clothes count too. And, you know, stuff.

I wonder when's the last time I went two years between trips? 

1 comment:

  1. Oooh a trip is so exciting! And just a change of venue can do such wonders for the mindset!
