Monday, August 30, 2021


On work days, my alarm goes off at 6:30, but today I had to get up at 6 to go to an appointment. On the plus side, when you're the first appointment of the day, the doctor is right on time, no waiting; on the minus side, I am so appallingly more tired than usual, you would think I had gotten up at 4 instead. SO. TIRED. I felt like, if someone gave me the slightest push, I would tip right over, and then fall asleep where I landed. Zzzz.

Mom is doing very well recovering from the hip replacement. On Friday night, she was in a lot of pain, "why did I even do this" levels, but by Sunday night she wasn't even needing the walker for every step, and had gone down to mild pain, or even just soreness and discomfort, which is a vast improvement! At this point, my job is going to be less taking care of her, and more keeping her from doing too much too soon. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. That's one early-bird doctor!

    That's great news on your mom. I hope your medical news is great, too. Meantime, go Mom!
