Friday, May 10, 2019

More Maggie Time

Miss Maggie would like to point out that a picture here and a picture there hardly captures her extreme cuteness, it's been a month since she got a whole post, and she deserves some more dedicated time. Who am I to argue?

Paw through the slats.
Cat loaf on box.
Tucked in.
Laid out.
She gets longer.
Paw stretch.
Propped paw.
"I'm adorable, right?" Yes, dear.
"That's right. I am."
Trying to get a good shot from under the glass table.
It's harder than I thought.
"What are you doing under there?"
"People are so weird."
"I mean, if you want my picture, fine, but get a good one."
"Make the vacuum stop, please."
The desk drawer has a nice tail holder.


  1. Cats are so funny! Look at ME, camera! While I pretend I'm ignoring you.
