Saturday, May 28, 2016

Puncia Progress

I am very happy to report on the progress I am making on the Puncia shawl. Don't worry, there's no other shoe to drop today: It's going well, is all. This morning I pinned it roughly out, to get an idea of what it looks like.
Here is how the edging section came out:
And then the berry chart part.
And now it is officially social knitting, almost mindless knitting, yay! By the weight of the yarn, I'm about a quarter done, so this piece will be about twice as long as it is now and then get put aside to do the other end. I started it about a month ago, but this next bit should go faster, since I can take it to stitch and bitch to work on. We'll see.

I also took pictures of the last pair of socks I finished:
And of Carlos. First, the other day, fast asleep, but somehow holding his tail up, like he fell asleep mid-thwap.
And then later, in one of his common position, which I call "pole sleeping"; he likes to rest his paws on the lamp pole.
Pretty darn cute, I must say.


  1. At least we can't mistake him for a "polecat"! Ha!

  2. wooooooooooowwwwwwwwwww that shawl is gorgeous!!
