Sunday, May 05, 2013

Weekend? What Weekend? she said, pathetically

So much for the restful and relaxing, accomplishing and rejuvenating break between one week and another. Migraines are a great life lesson in how little control we actually have. You can schedule a dentist appointment, and have a long list of things to do before and after, so that you'll be free to watch the Bruins game at night, and instead be unable to do any of it. Pain trumps plans. I did turn the Bruins game on last night, at least, but I wasn't able to focus on it that well. Of course, the Bruins didn't seem to focus either, so we were matched. Apparently, "one game" was the answer to the post-game-one question, "How long can they keep this up?" Because we wouldn't want even one thing to go well for me on Saturday, apparently. (Other than petting the kitty, that is. And a few rows of knitting, between waves. Those were good.)

Anyway. It sucks. Today is not as fully hideous as yesterday, and with many rest periods I have been able to get a couple of things done (pay the bills, make tuna salad, wash the dishes). The laundry, however, will be waiting, and fortunately we aren't quite out of cat food yet, because leaving the house isn't on, either.

With Allergy Hell Week and the hormones of my period coinciding, the headache is not entirely surprising. Still. I think brownies are called for. That might distract me. Or at least make part of me happy, while the rest is so very not.

1 comment:

  1. If you need more cat food, we can always run some over to you! We're right down the street, after all. And nobody wants hungry kittehs!
