Monday, July 26, 2010

Word Analysis: "Sick" and "Suck". Discuss.

Bleagh. Yeah, unfortunately I didn't feel better today. In fact, I woke at 2 this morning with an awful headache, and finally threw up at 3:30, after which I was finally able to get to sleep again. (It was pretty miserable being so tired and not able to lie down, between 2 and 3:30.)

Further unfortunately, though, the headache didn't go away (which, when this has happened in the past, was the case), and when I woke at 6 I knew that work was out of the question. I sent my boss the message and went back to bed.

I woke again at 10, still feeling sick, enough that I thought I might be sick again. It didn't happen, and I went back to bed around 11:30. Up around 1, back down around 3:30 ... you get the picture. Right now, my head doesn't hurt and my stomach is just faintly funny, so it's an improvement. I have my fingers crossed that the worst is behind me, oh please.

Would you cross your fingers, too?


  1. Fingers are crossed. Prayers sent. I was able to nip mine in the bud this morning around 5AM but it was still a short sleep cycle. Have you noticed that when you sleep a lot around migraines you rarely actually feel 'rested'?

  2. Fingers crossed for you! Hope when you wake up and read this you are feeling better.

  3. fingers crossed! i hope you are much much better today. it sucks being sick. it sucks indeed. :(
