Thursday, September 06, 2007

Well, How About That?

I turned on my phone when I left work tonight, and guess who I had a message from?

Liberty Mazda.

He'd like me to return his call. I didn't do so tonight, since my day had had Enough Already (primarily the annual trip to the gynecologist, which is right near the top of my list of all-time least-favorite things to do), but maybe tomorrow.

I was honestly rather surprised that they called. You?


  1. Your letter to them was well written and any business person with half a brain wouldn't want you turning your entire sphere of influence against them. Since you're still polite in your correspondence they may be trying to save the relationship. Hey - it's a nice gesture on their part. I hope it turns out well.

  2. Your letter must have raised a red flag somewhere. These last ditch efforts of customer mollification are a mite late and marginally better than none at all. BUT..they had multiple opportunities to address the issues. This late push has minimal credibility.

    Good letter BTW.

  3. Considering their past behavior, yeah, surprised is the word.

    And frankly, I wouldn't believe a word he said. But I'm suspicious like that. ;) Good luck!
