Monday, April 16, 2007

Weekend update

First things first. Here it is, baby sweater number one (or sweater for baby number one, if you prefer):

Looks like a sweater, right? Or the start of one? I know! Cool, huh? I had an appointment Saturday, and the doctor was running late, resulting in enough knitting time that I got to the it-looks-like-a-sweater stage. How exciting!

This is my first sweater knitting, and I think that doing a baby sweater for the first sweater is probably wise, because it does go quickly, which is encouraging. Not quite instant feedback, but practically. Now I'm at the plain knitting for the body part, then I go back and do the sleeves, but one step at a time. Not bad for starting Thursday night, and this doesn't include today's knitting, either (I'm almost to the bottom of the body, thanks to break, lunch, and SnB time).

My weekend was a pretty good mix of social and stuff around the house. I tackled the mountain of laundry and had dinner with friends, did dishes and had dinner with (other) friends (not in that order, nor all on the same day, for that matter). And I spent a lot of time sitting down making a lap for Pan, who by the way is feeling perfectly fine, but doesn't mind at all if I want to spoil him more than usual, which I do.

We have an appointment in a couple of weeks for him to have blood drawn, which they will test to see why he has lost the weight. I'm not even worrying about the why yet. I'm still worrying about getting him to, and through, the vet visit and sedation and recovery from same. Once we're over all that, I'll worry about the rest. One step at a time. Keep breathing.

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