Sunday, February 02, 2025

My First F.I.G.

Elisabeth of the blog The Optimistic Musings of a Pessimist is leading by example for a month of small gratitudes in February, calling it The F.I.G. Collective. The idea is to make a point on noticing at least one thing every day to be grateful for. I printed out her tracking sheet, and while I don't plan to blog it every day, I did want to kick the month off with my first.

Yesterday after my haircut, I was going to the grocery store to pick up coffee on sale and noticed some small tents set up in the park. It turned out to be the day of the monthly Art in the Park, and while there were only a dozen or 15 tents, I figured why not stop in and browse a little. 

Some days, the browsing is its own reward, but I actually bought a few things this time. First off, I saw this flock of wooden birds next to an artist's tent.

Ibis and egrets and flamingos, oh my!

They're so cute, but I don't have any yard I can stick them in. However, it turned out he had a few that stand, so I snagged an egret to take home. 

His name is Philbert (no, I don't know why, it just is). I also bought that pretty wood bowl, after having a nice chat with the artist. He had so many items of a wide range of wood types; it was a cool set-up. The grain is mesmerizing.

I may have a thing for wooden bowls...

We have Philbert up on a shelf, keeping an eye on things. He's a good bird.

My F.I.G. for today is having dinner with a friend, which I'm very happy about! Have you found any FIGs lately?


  1. I LOVE the egret. And Philbert is a perfect name.
    Hooray for FIGs <3

  2. Duh, of course his name is Philbert. He's perfect. I love that bowl as well, its lovely.

  3. How fun! I'd have stopped, too. You bought the perfect items.

  4. That bowl is GORGEOUS!! So pretty!

  5. It's a hard time to be grateful and I have to really search hard some days.

  6. Oh that egret is so pretty. Philbert is the perfect name!

  7. I've been loving all the FIG posts - there are positive things to be grateful for every day!
