Monday, February 03, 2025

Just Saying

On one of my posts recently, I don't even remember which one, there was a cartoon I wanted to add to the post but I couldn't find it online anywhere. I had a feeling that I had cut it out of the newspaper and put it on my fridge, before I moved, and while I might very well have it in a drawer somewhere, I had no idea where, so I went on without it.

And then a few days ago, it popped up in my FB memories! So here it is. A screenshot of a clipping. How high-tech I am.


  1. I'm always looking for photos that I know I have but can't locate. State of the art phone and lots of search functions but nothing works sometimes. Then it randomly shows up!

    1. Tech, and indeed life, can be funny like that!

  2. Replies
    1. The comics can have their moments, can't they.

  3. Aww this is lovely! This is our cat Khali every morning - she's always waiting for me to wake up, purring.
