Saturday, January 25, 2025

Beyond Anne of Green Gables

The comments on my post about LM Montgomery's The Blue Castle let me know that not everyone knows she wrote other books, and she did! So many of them! So I wanted to talk about some of my other favorites.

As I said, TBC is probably my very favorite. I read this one as a young adult, and immediately fell in love with Valancy, and out of love with her mostly horrible family, even though Valancy is an old maid at her advanced age of 29, not a child like Anne. 

Now, don't get me wrong, I loved Anne! I read all 8 books, many times, though along the way I weeded them out (I'm sure I kept the first one, but it isn't on the shelf with the other Montgomerys...I wonder where it's got to?). I was of a good age for the miniseries with Megan Follows and Colleen Dewhurst, as well. I'm not dissing Anne at all, just saying that I turned to it less often as I got older.

Here are the others I did keep, in addition to TBC:

A Tangled Web is another non-child-protag book, and is actually a book of many stories within an extensive clan. A lot happens, but it's definitely the story of the many characters, and highly amusing.

Emily, Jane, and Marigold are child protagonists, like Anne, and are similar and different. Of the three, Jane is probably my favorite, but I'm not getting rid of any of them. The paperbacks are copies I got when visiting the LM Montgomery Birthplace in PEI, which is where I learned about many of her books. 

Mom and I first visited PEI in 1985, and went back four or five times more. We saw Green Gables:

As well as other related sites. And so many beautiful red dirt roads.

It's lovely up there. 

Any LMM questions?


  1. I have no idea how I missed all those and thank you for the heads-up! And wow, I had no idea you'd been to PEI and Green Gables, too. Such a gorgeous island. Is the woolen mill still there? When my folks were packing up the house I grew up in, my mom came across a box of wool she didn't recognize. I instantly did: it was from that mill, and I'd granny-squared myself a hat and scarf out of it in junior high.

  2. I ordered TBC and will read it as soon as possible. I need some comfort books!

    1. I think it makes a good comfort read. I haven't actually read it in a while, so I'm looking forward to it!

  3. I didn't realize Green Gables was a place you could visit! That's wonderful. I was a huge fan of the Megan Follows series but -- don't hate me -- have never read a single LMM book. I own all the books, though! Maybe I need to make a point to read one to my kid.

    1. What they call Green Gables now is the house where her cousins lived, which she often went to/escaped to, as she was being raised by her very strict grandparents nearby.

  4. I think I have read all of the Anne books, though I think my favorites were the first one or two. I read them a LONG time ago. I didn't know she wrote more until Engie mentioned this book as the one she MEANT to have for her last CBBC.

  5. I AM SO EXCITED! Jane of Lantern Hill was a favourite of mine (I still have my old copy and it looks exactly the same as yours!) and I have never heard of anyone else who has read it. TWINS WE ARE TWINS! I love love love Emily Climbs and Emily's Quest, but didn't love the New Moon one. But Emily herself, she resonated with me so much. A lot of her personality was taken from LMM's life. Oh! And that reminds me! There is a podcast on right now that is called Story Girl and it's the life and times of LMM, it's an absolute delight. I still have my copy of the Blue Castle, but I haven't read it in decades. I'm very excited for this CBBC! I love that we are LMM stans. Ahhhh I am dying over here, I cannot believe I have finally found someone else who loves Jane!

    1. Nicole! We're book twins! Yayyyyyy! I'll have to check out that podcast.

  6. I didn't know you've been there THAT many times. Which is ironic because I can literally be on PEI in about 3 hours and have only been 4-5 times total in my LIFE.
    My mom has been reading her short story collections over and over again as pre-bedtime reading. My favourite are the Anne books (especially the first few), but I also liked The Story Girl series (and the Road to Avonlea show).

    1. We used to drive/ferry up from Mass., though the last two trips, we flew, being farther away. It's so lovely! A perfect pocket-sized island to visit.

  7. Are you interested in guest hosting for a week of CBBC? You seem to be much more of an LMM expert than I am!

    1. Oh, no, you're so good at guiding the discussion! I'll definitely speak up if I know anything relevant.

  8. Very cool! I'm not sure how many books besides the Anne ones I read - it was a long time ago before I kept track on Goodreads lol. I loved the series with Colleen Dewhurst, Meghan Follows was a wonderful Anne.
    Looking forward to The Blue Castle, although reading her books always makes me remember how sad LMM's life was, which is tough.

    1. Yes, it really is sad, what she went through. Her books have such a strong feeling of wanting to be loved, and feeling like you don't fit in.

  9. I'm excited! i know this is shocking, but I haven't read ANYTHING by LM Montgomery. I know. How did I miss the Anne books? Anyway I'm excited to read this one, especially since you say it's your favorite.

    1. I'm sure you read books I didn't; there are just so many books out there, you know?

  10. How interesting! I somehow missed all of those books as a young reader. I'll get to see what everyone else was reading while I was into Nancy Drew.

    1. Ah, I loved Nancy Drew, too! I got up over number 100 before moving on to other things. I used to keep a list of ones I was missing, to look for at book sales.
