Tuesday, February 04, 2025

Truer Words, Etc.

You know, this is so me it should have my name on it:

Is it you, too?


  1. Especially in these times I need to read! Otherwise, I would lose it completely.

  2. It's me 100%. If I don't have a book to read, I go a little (a lot?) nuts!

  3. January and February are such tough months for me, and what get me through is going to bed early with books at every opportunity. I seriously don't think I would survive without that as a coping mechanism, it makes me feel so much safer from the world.

  4. I have a sticker on my Kobo case that says "Reading is my escape from the barbarity of this miserable world." So yeah, this is me, definitely.

  5. People who don't read escape somewhere else - video games, television/movies, whatever. We all need to escape from this dystopian landscape.

  6. HA. Yes. While I love books for so very many reasons, one of the top is because it allows me to escape.

  7. I have such a hard time reading right now BECAUSE I am stuck in the real world... I need to change that ASAP.

  8. The only thing that's going to get me through these 4 years are my books. And I think it's going to be a time where I need light, FUN books because our reality is too dark already.

    1. I decided to listen to Octavia Butler's Parable of the Sower and Parable of the Talents, and they're so good, but so, so hard to listen to. My print book is something light and fluffy.
