It's never easy to lose a beloved pet. I remember a scene from a book where the main character's pet has died, and someone says it's the worst thing about pets, "they never live long enough." Mom is missing Maggie too, which sometimes helps me (we commiserate about automatically looking behind our chairs before standing up) and sometimes doesn't (like when she mentions missing Maggie in a rare moment when I wasn't thinking of her).
I also have this lingering, throat-clearing-cough thing going on, and considering that I started getting over my cold on January 1, enough already! I did not want to have throat drops on my packing list for the trip at the end of February, but I have to have one within arm's reach at all times, so yeah, I'm bringing them with. Sigh.
My second bag...
I am still, somehow, doing my FIGs every day, though wow, on February 1, I had no idea that compassionate vet care was going to make the list. However, I realized in the first week that seeing friends was always going to make the list, and have made a point of going out, even if I'm not feeling like doing it, because I have a good time. Even Monday night, when I was so sad about Maggie, seeing my knitting friends and talking about everything but Maggie was a good distraction.
Light fixture from dinner Tuesday night:
Crystals formed in a Damp-Rid bag:Weird, right?
The trip will be a good distraction too, I suppose, though it can be a struggle to feel the same level of excitement for it that I did before. Hopefully I will be able to spend a few days not thinking about her (or, more realistically, not thinking about her very often), but coming home to her not being here, not wondering how long she will punish me for being away before she gets on my lap, will hurt. Ah well, first-world problem to be saying that in regards to a trip to the Caribbean! I did some looking back, and it seems that the last time I went out of the country was to Canada in 2011 (PEI! Anne!), and before that, to England in 2008. A long time ago! But my passport is still good, so not impossibly long.
We leave before the crack of dawn on Sunday, and it's unlikely that I'll blog while I'm there, but I'll be back here eventually. Y'all behave.
I think the trip is well-timed and will be a welcome distraction from thinking about Maggie most of the time. Getting home will be hard though but it sounds like you're prepared for that. Have a great time!