Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Meetings and More Meetings

If they don't stop having "kick-off" meetings at work this month, I'm going to start kicking things.

The good news is that they did switch the meeting originally set for 4 on Friday to 10am instead. The less-great news is that puts it right after the other kickoff meeting at 9, but I'd rather have two hours in a row than anything at 4, so oh well.

We had another meeting that I absolutely did not need to be in this morning (which was originally Thursday, then Tuesday? I don't know), but the few pieces of good news were:

  1. It wasn't run by a cameras-on person.
  2. He actually did keep it to the promised hour, despite the ambitious agenda.
  3. I figured out how to switch the sound source on the new laptop so that the volume was not way too loud when set at the very lowest level. I don't understand the setup at all, but at least I felt less like I was being shouted at. (Apparently one of the (many) ways in which I am a delicate flower is in volume control.)

On the down side, though, in addition to the two meetings on Friday, we got invited to another one, for next Wednesday. Which brings us to 6 kick-off meetings, totaling 7 hours. And so far, not one bit of it has any real relevance to my actual job.

I suppose I should be glad that the rest of the year isn't like this, for me. Just because I can knit through them doesn't make them not annoying. (It does make them less annoying...)


  1. Wow, that's TOO many meetings!!

    1. For a job like mine, it is wayyyy too many.

  2. That's a lot of meetings, C! Although I deeply appreciate when people keep to the established timetable.

  3. Glad you got the sound fixed. Shame you can't do what I do: turn your ears off. Or down.

  4. Gawd that is so many!!! ICK! Glad Friday was moved. I am super sensitive to noise and LOUD noise too. You aren't alone!

    *sending meeting cancellations with no rescheduling* vibes

  5. How many things are they kicking off? I thought kick off meetings were to start something new.

    1. They are kicking off all their plans for the new year. New jargon, new goals, new targets, all that.

  6. That is too many meetings! What a chaotic way to start off the year. I'm glad they moved the Friday afternoon meeting. We usually don't schedule meetings on Fridays if we can help it, and I am so grateful for that!

    1. There is simply no call for a late-Friday meeting like that.
