Thursday, January 16, 2025

A Few Words on Ebooks

I haven't crunched the numbers, so I don't have exact data, but I know that over the years, I have read more and more via ebooks*. I still read physical books, mostly from the library, and sometimes I purchase them too, once I know if I love the book enough (have to support those authors, you know). 
*Largely but not exclusively Kindle.

This (unknown) number went up last year, when I started using Libby and then Hoopla to get library books that way, especially when I figured out I could use Hoopla with the second library card I have, giving me a total of 30 borrows per month that way. 

Then last fall I signed up for a Kindle Unlimited trial (two months for $0.99 at the time), and liked it so much I'm going to keep it for a bit longer, at least. I can borrow 20 eligible books at a time, and while not all books are available that way, enough are that I'm roaring through them.

Which meant that I was reading an enjoyable-enough, but not fabulous book when I came across this:

And I'm largely the same. Because honestly, at this point when I request a physical book from the library, by the time it comes in, I've forgotten what grabbed me about it, or I'm not in the same mood...Who knew I was such a reader of impulse? Are you?


  1. Kindle has drawn me in too--for the same reason. However, I do try to use the library as much as possible.

    1. I love the library, and I do borrow ebooks from them as well as physical books.

  2. My problem is I'm too cheap to pay a monthly fee for my Kobo, so I'm reliant on my library for e-books and they can take forever. Sigh. When I travel, it's 100% e-reader (and I think for an upcoming trip I will splurge and get a Kobo membership - which I'll cancel after the trip). Aside from that, I largely read paper books but do have the same issue where it drives my crazy to wait months and months to get a book and then I forget why I was so interested in it in the first place.

    1. I held off on Kindle Unlimited for so long, but for right now, it's working for me. I think I'm coping with state-of-the-world stress by escapist reading.

  3. THIRTY Hoopla borrows?! We get two. Two a month. I use it exclusively for audiobooks.

    1. It may be 25 now; I had to renew my farther-library card, and then it told me I could take out 15, not 20. But I am not complaining! Two is ridiculous.

  4. These days I'm 95% audiobooks, and 90% of those are via Libby (my library app) I get enough there that I haven't tried Hoopla. I also read physical books. Not so much a fan of kindle. I have an old reader, so old that I'm not sure I even have a way to charge it anymore. I have the app on my iPad, but it really hasn't stuck. If I traveled a lot, or commuted on public transportation, I could totally see the appeal though.

    1. I use the Kindle app on my phone and on my iPad; I don't have a dedicated device. Sometimes I wonder if I would like that, but then it's one more thing to keep on top of, so I haven't, yet anyway.

  5. I far prefer a physical book, but my bad eyes have been lecturing me to get over myself and go use the Kindle, except mine is also so old that I'm not sure how long the charge will hold. But the brightness. It's needed.

  6. I think I'm more and more needing physical books in my life, if only to prevent me from distractedly doomscrolling when my attention wanders. I'm a "mood put-on-hold"er. I will put things on hold on a whim and then not remember why it's there. I also really like being able to tag things in Libby - sometimes when I don't have a hold available, I'll go to my TBR tags and see what's available and chose something from there. I do wish there was a way to add a note when I tag things for my TBR so that I know why I was interested in the first place, though.

  7. I'm a mood reader too and sometimes struggle to remember why I requested something when it finally comes in too (on Kindle - I don't have a physical library to borrow from).

  8. Yes. While I much prefer physical books, I also suffer from the need for immediate gratification when it comes to books I discover and want to read NOW and sometimes I read a couple of different ones at once so I now use my Kindle 90% of the time. Not proud of this but ……
