Wednesday, September 04, 2024

More Movie Ratings (part one)

Wow, I haven't done this since May? I have been screen-shotting the funny ratings the Boston Globe puts in their movie reviews, but, well, apparently instead of posting them here, I've been reading in all my free time lately (and in some time that shouldn't be free as well). I'm going to break this into two parts, so here's the first half-ish. Away we go!

Mercy, that's vivid! I am anti-gender reveal parties, anyway, even the ones that don't explode. Maybe I would feel differently about it if I had been pregnant, but I don't know, celebrating the baby specifically by what's under the diaper seems odd to me.

That's oddly specific, isn't it?
I have to admit that, putting this post together, I read the rating before the movie title, and was briefly very, very confused. Well, I'm still confused about the offscreen cow sex part. 

Sometimes that's what you want! Right? (I wonder why this one is center-aligned when they're usually left-aligned? Oops?)

As long as you know what you're in for.

Not my thing, but again, there's a time and place for it.

Ouch, all that and one star.

I don't actually know what they mean by that, but:

Not for me, thanks!

I do love bilingual cursing, myself.

Another one star, and oof, another not for me.

Umm, okay?

Good to be warned about that. So many movies I don't want to see!

That sounds like an R rating, all right.

I did think about going to see this one, but didn't make it happen.

Scary spiders...English whispers?

About time the men got some of that, right?

Oh, animal cruelty is an immediate no. Is it for you? Do you have automatic yes or no features in movies?


  1. These are clever! I did love "Thelma!"

    1. I just love whoever does these. Have fun with it!

  2. Cow sex? I wonder how graphic it is. That seems (1) oddly specific to mention, but also (2) an odd thing to be in a Garfield movie. Is this a cartoon? I am confused!

    1. I have honestly never thought of cow sex in my life, and now I'm baffled. Why would it be in the Garfield movie of all things, even off-screen?

    I actually saw Thelma and it was so good!!! I loved it so much.
    Gender reveal parties are very strange to me. It never occurred to me to have such a thing during my pregnancies but then, that was a while ago. I don't think anyone did that then.

    1. No, they seem to be a more recent thing, and so odd.

      What kind of violence was committed against the lasagna? It's almost worth seeing the movie to answer these questions.

  4. The Inside Out 2 one seems to be hinting that the reviewer thinks it's too "woke."

  5. So many cows in these reviews. Were cows a big movie theme in summer movies?!
