Tuesday, September 03, 2024

It's Coming!

I know it's only just September, but guess what that means? Hockey season is coming!

The Bruins (as I assume other teams do as well) have a few informal practices this week, called captains practices, when players start getting on the ice together and playing around. Next week, the rookies will report for their training camp, and the week after that, it's full training camp. The first preseason game is September 22, which is less than three weeks away! 

Yayyyy! Hockey season, hockey season, hockey season.

I'm a little excited. Hey, I'm only a fan of one sport, and summer can feel pretty long. Bring it on.


  1. Lol, you and my older son. As of late June he's been complaining that it's not hockey season!

    1. I do enjoy summer, but I get so excited when hockey comes back!

  2. Looking a little wistfully at that first picture: here, we get fall but it's kind of random. Our street tree finally drops its old leaves about the same time that the very earliest leaves are pushing out on the street trees near the high school. Like middle school band class with none of the kids paying attention to the teacher trying to lead the music.

  3. Huh. I was surprised last weekend when I saw football on television. *Sigh* Soon it will be all sports all the time. (I am not as excited as you, but I'm happy for your joy.)

  4. I can never follow the puck in hockey; it's such a fast moving sport!

    1. It is! Sometimes even with as much as I've watched it, I infer where the puck is by the movement of the players. Watching it live is fun!

  5. If you listen to podcasts, you might like the Spitting Chicklets interview with Charlie Coyle. It came out a week or two ago. It's just fun.

  6. This makes me so nostalgic. Growing up I was the BIGGEST Leafs fan. How I felt Sunday-Friday depended on how they did on Saturday night (Hockey Night in Canada was my life). As I got older and busier, hockey fell by the wayside and I'm woefully behind on really knowing who's on what team (aside from the Oilers because my son is obsessed), but I do think I'd love to get back in the game when my kids are a bit older and I have more flex time. Goodness, I just loved...loving hockey!

    1. When I was little, my dad watched football and basketball, too, but hockey is the one that grabbed me. I hope you can get back to enjoying the fan experience! You don't have to make it your whole life now, just watch a game or two.
