Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Decisions, Decisions

I mentioned that I'm going on a trip in October, and I'm now firmly in the "thinking about what knitting projects to bring" stage of planning. The perfect project is one that not only appeals to me, in yarn I like, but also:

  • Is in that sweet spot between so basic it's boring, and so large or complex it's not travel-friendly
  • Has been started, to avoid any surprises starting it, but is closer to start than finish (because it's not like you want to finish it and have nothing to knit)

Of course, I am almost certainly going to succumb to the lure of Shiny New Project, rather than working on something already started. Though I may bring one of those as a second project (because obviously I won't only have one project with me on the trip, duh). At the moment, I'm taken with the Unicorn Luck pattern (Ravelry), which looks like a good "do these two rows until you're almost done" kind of pattern, just what I want.

As to the yarn, I think one of the long gradients from Wendy's Wonders would suit it well, and I happen to have three to chose from:

From left to right, that's Spring Tulips, Summer Citrus, and Sweet Sunshine, all in 80% merino and 20% silk.

Spring Tulips will knit up like this, according to her Instagram:

And Sweet Sunshine like this:

I don't have one of those for Summer Citrus, as I bought that one in a yarn shop, not online, but I know it will be glorious too.

So...which one? 


  1. I don't knit, so I have no input at all, but I laughed at you saying of course there will be more than one project on your travels. That's me packing books to read when I'm on a trip. Sometimes I end up reading, sometimes I don't, but I certainly don't want to be in the kind of situation where I want to read and there is NOTHING! (I'm not a kindle reader, so that's only for emergencies.)

    1. Of course you can't be without books! What kind of crazy person would risk that?

  2. I thought I loved Spring Tulips but am now firmly on Team Summer Citrus. Like J, I'm a careful packer (or Kindle downloader) of books for any trip. I am rarely bored if I have a book to read but I like a choice.

    1. The good news for me is that there is no bad choice; I just have to pick one and get started.

  3. I am laughing because this is how I am with books on a trip. I will obviously bring my Kindle, but I was on a trip once and my Kindle STOPPED WORKING, so now I am a lady who packs a Kindle and two physical books no matter where I go. I feel like the benefits of having an ereader are lost on me. I can't just have one!

    1. Kindle stopped working! Crisis! I can totally understand bringing physical books with you after that. I have the Kindle app on my phone and my tablet, so I should be fine, but yeah, no doubt I will bring a book to hold onto, too. What if my charge gets too low?

  4. Summer Citrus! *blissful sigh*. I love those people who are knitting no matter what else they're doing. It does sound tricky picking the perfect project to pack (alliteration FTW).

    1. Nice alliteration! When we were waiting at the dealership to get Mom's car the other day, I totally brought out my knitting for a while. I can't just sit there!

  5. Oh, I like them all, but I'd go with Summer Citrus since you can have the adventure of seeing how it looks as you knit it up. And I always pack simple dishcloth knitting just in case, you know? Easy in, easy out, and you can even give the FOs away!

    1. That's a good plan! Thanks for weighing in. It's a tough contest but I love them all, so not really worried.

  6. That is the best description of travel knitting I have ever come across. Thank you! And have a great time with those gorgeous soft yarns--and the traveling, too.
