Friday, September 10, 2021


I wanted to update y'all on what's happening with my periods*, which I will state up front in case anyone doesn't feel like reading about it.

*Blogging is weird sometimes, you know?

(I don't exactly think of myself as superstitious, and yet when I thought about writing this, I found myself thinking, but what if I jinx it? I finally decided to go for it, though.)

After going off birth control last summer, which I was on due to bad periods, I had a few months of peace, and then they started up again. After that, every 22 to 32 days, it would start again. In June, when it started for the tenth time, fed up with the whole process, I made an appointment with a gynecologist for her next available opening, which was late August (appointments are backed up because of the pandemic, of course). I figured that I would have two more cycles before the time came to see her.

Instead? Nothing.

Nada. Zilch. No periods. It's so weird!

Mind you, I am NOT complaining. Though I dislike the uncertainty, it's much less bothersome than the cramps and general feeling-awful-ness. But it's so weird! Every 3 to 4 weeks, and then all of a sudden it's almost 11 weeks of complete radio silence. No cramps or bleeding, no hot flashes or night sweats, not a single thing that points to definitive menopause. Can this really be it? So doubtful! 

I will report back if it starts tomorrow, now that I've written this, as I almost expect it will. But, you know, it is weird, right?


  1. Sounds good to me. Mine went on fast forward towards the end, with maybe a week between and some doctors would have operated (ovarian cysts run in my family) but mine just said let time take care of it. And it did. Good luck!

  2. Hoping this is truly the end of the issues!
