— Jane Austen
This morning, for some reason*, I was thinking about a conversation I had this summer with some friends, about working for a living. As you've likely picked up, I would adore not to have to work. The idea of sleeping, knitting, reading, and not having a fixed-by-someone-else schedule is like a dream. I find my work, and doing it well, satisfying, but I'm pretty sure I'd be just fine without that. At least for a year or two.** (Secretly, I don't think I would ever get sick of a life of leisure. But I am willing to admit the possibility that in a year or two, it might begin to pall.)
*Likely because it was dark and chilly and early.
**Anyone want to set up a trial? Pay me enough to live on comfortably for a year, so we can find out if I actually would get bored with it? Sign me up!
One of my friends was adamant that she wouldn't know what to do with herself without the structure and challenge of her job. She was self-deprecating about it, not saying that I was wrong or even crazy, but just framing it as not knowing how she would handle unlimited free time. I fully respect her point of view ... but I can't really understand it, can't really "get" how that would feel. My brain just kind of stops calculating and stutters, "But?"
I spent the entire day at work today on a time-filler project, and don't get me wrong, it needs doing (this database is an everloving MESS), but oh is it boring. I don't know how many times today I was saying to myself, "You are not hungry, you are bored. Do not eat just because you are bored." Bored bored bored. It got to the point where I wanted to smack the binder clips out of my co-worker's hand (he has a bad habit of fiddling with them while he's working, click, click, click), and my MP3 player needed charging so I couldn't even drown it out. Sigh. I know I have my own twitches that probably bug others as much as theirs do mine, so usually I can bring more patience, but not today.
I was reading the beginning of an article on a local politician who just died "suddenly" at the age of 102. It went on to say that the cause of death had not yet been given.
Um. Is it just me? He was 102. I think we're safe to say that he died of old age, aren't we? I mean sure, a person that age could get hit by a truck or drown in a pool, but otherwise, do we have to search for the cause? To mis-quote Larry the Cable Guy (I know, but really, it fits), "What do you think, he wrecked his Harley at Bike Week?"
The Bruins game on Tuesday was so satisfying--they played so well! almost the entire game! and won, even--that I'm kind of bummed they don't play again until Saturday. They usually play 3 games a week, sometimes four, but they had two last week and two this week. Weird scheduling. They're in Toronto Saturday, so that could be very interesting.
What with one thing (exhaustion) and another (snow), I still haven't made it to Wegmans after the new store opened a few weeks ago. Crisis! Calamity! Must go to Wegmans!
If you aren't familiar with the chain, Wegmans is a grocery store chain, but not just any chain. Their selection is amazing, the prices are good, they have basically multiple restaurants' worth of prepared foods ... it's amazing. This store is the first in Massachusetts, and while it's an hour away from me, I have to go at least once in a while.
They have plans to build another in Burlington by 2013. Much closer!
This morning was foggy, giving this vista an interesting tint.
Then tonight, there was some nice sunset in the sky. Have to enjoy it this week, for the time change this weekend will screw with my light.
Day is done, indeed.
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