Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Walking, Day 1

Elisabeth of the blog Optimistic Musings of a Pessimist is doing a walking club in October, and I agreed that I will try to walk at least 10 minutes a day every day this month (preferably outside, but that may not happen every day).

So, when I got home from going to the chiropractor this morning, I went for a 10-minute walk. Literally no more than that, since this is what the weather was at the time, aka 10 AM:

I don't plan to try and upset my early-morning routine* to go, since it isn't that much cooler; I looked at the weather around 7 AM and it said it was 81, feels like 91. 
*I am very reliant on my routine to get going in the morning, as I am not at all a morning person.

At least it was pretty.
Since going around the block takes longer than 10 minutes, and (again), it was super hot, plus I needed to get back to work, I set the timer for five minutes and turned around when it was time. Just as I was ready to turn, I noticed this little fellow on the sidewalk ahead of me. Hello, handsome! (The lizard, not the leaf behind him, obviously.)
I did pause on the way back to get some pictures of the burrowing owls. I can't resist them.
Their expressions range from "what are you looking at?"....
To "go to hell." I love them and their little grumpy faces.

I was actually dripping by the time I got inside the blessed air conditioning. It will be interesting to compare today's walk to the last day of the month.


  1. It's unseasonably hot here, although nothing like what you're dealing with, although it clouded over for our walk (mine and the dog's) and it was pleasant. I am also very much not a morning person.

    1. I think every September, I expect it to cool down more than it does! But hopefully October will see it happen.

  2. Good for you! I love walking and try to get at least 3 miles a day in. However, our mild PacNW weather makes it easy to get outside any time of the day. And being retired makes it easier still!

    1. Yes, both those things would help! Working takes up a ridiculous amount of my time, and that's without a commute.

  3. Well I LOVE the pictures...but 100 degrees. I will be sobbing in a corner in a few months with our winter temperatures, but I would be melting in a corner with those temps!! Yikes. You're brave for doing 10 minutes in that.
    I hate mornings. Always have and think, unfortunately, I always will...

    1. I think being a morning person (or not) is not something that changes, at least for most people.

  4. I'm thankful to Elisabeth for the challenge, I do best when I walk EVERY DAY. Thankfully it is cool here in the mornings this time of year. It got to 100 today, but it was in the low 50s when I took my walk this morning at 7am. I am fortunate to work from home so I can walk from 7 to 7:55 and be at my desk at 8am. When it's hot, I can't go out too late (like after 10am).

    1. It should get cooler here soon. I keep telling myself.

  5. I am agog that you got to see burrowing owls live wild and in person. How cool!

    Having just sat down to write after doing my walking time. Yay for circular architecture, ie around the kitchen/living/family rooms. Nice solid surface, nice AC (we hit 96 today!) and, um, at the time of night I'm writing this, nice procrastination on my part, I usually do it at least a little earlier.

    Walking is a great habit!

  6. I love the burrowing owls! How cute! That is too hot. Very impressed you are making it work despite the heat!

  7. LOL. Meanwhile I'm trying to convince Hannah to go on longer walks in the evening because it's cooling down. If it were 100 degrees here, I would lose my teeny tiny mind. I don't know how you live in a place like that!

    1. I am so ready for a break! We'll talk in January, though, I won't want your weather then.

  8. I would walk in the lousy heat, too, if I got to see cute owls like that! DO YOU LIVE IN A ZOO OR WHAT?!

    1. I love having the owls in the neighborhood! They're a protected species, so once they start a burrow, no one is allowed to disturb it. They dig where they want to!
