Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Naming Things

I turn to the blog for serious answers to serious questions, so brace yourself:

Does your family name things around the house? 

I was thinking of that this morning, when I went to get ice from the fridge-door ice maker and it gave me far more than I needed. "Jeez, Fred, calm down!" I said, as my cup runneth over.

Because, yes, we call our ice maker Fred. No, I don't know why Fred, specifically. But it clearly needs a name so that we can either thank it, or chide it for being overly enthusiastic. (Fred is a giver.)

So, do you name things? Appliances, cars, anything?


  1. I don't have names for anything. (except my cat) My younger daughter has named her cars, but I think she's the only one in our family.

    1. Interesting that she does when no one else does! Aren't people fun.

  2. Our Hyundai (the "old" car) is named Agnes. The VW is Hedwig. My laptop's name is Snowball. I don't know that we have named anything else.

  3. I don't name things - I had a hard enough time naming my kids - but this post made me laugh out loud.

  4. We used to call every squirrel Howard, and we used to have names for our navigator and our amazon device. (We called it Diane, so we could talk about it without triggering the listening function.)

    1. Good idea! At first, we called GPS Margaret, since it sounded like a woman with that name who my mother knew. But these days I don't use the sound feature, so that hasn't come up in a while.

  5. I don't, but I'm laughing at the thought of an icemaker named Fred--it seems so, so, I dunno, Sandra Boynton-ish? and just might reconsider.

  6. I don't name stuff like that, but I do name the wildlife that hangs around (the pesky groundhog that keeps eating my dill and parsley is named Newt Gingrich). I've never named any of my cars which, come to think of it, seems odd for me.

    1. We called my first car the boat, but just because it was so big! I haven't named cars since then.

  7. We don't but I really wish we did.
    We have friends that name every vehicle they own.
    We call our robo-vac which is Eufy brand, Eufy (how original), but we talk to it (a him) like he is a human. Good boy, Eufy, we'll say when we walk in the door and our floors are clean. On second thought, I think we talk to him more like he's human...
    One thing we do that is similar is assign stereotypical names to (mostly senior citizens) we might see in random places (that we don't know). If we see an older couple drive by in a pickup truck, we'll say: There goes Bob and Ethel. Or there goes Gertie and Frank. The most frequent is Clem Cadiddlehopper. We do this naming game A LOT. Sometimes we'll count to three and everyone will guess someone's name who is walking on the sidewalk when we drive by. It's silly, but fun.

    1. That does sound like fun! It can be so amusing to make up backstories for people you see in public.

  8. I don't much, but I had a friend who named her washer and dryer Lucy and Desi, and I wish very much that I DID name things like that. I name all my houseplants though, and assign personalities to them.

    1. Somehow it doesn't surprise me that you feel the connection to living things!

  9. My car is named Gladys but I don't think I've named anything else! I need to be more creative in my life.

  10. Yes, we do name things. haha. Not everything but some things :)
