Monday, July 08, 2024

Library Woes

Before I start this story, I want to stress that I love the library. Libraries are awesome. I borrow tons of books that I want to read, or at least try, but don't want to own, and I appreciate that so much.


I requested a book a while back, and for some time now, a few months at least, it has shown that I am hold number 1 of 1 for the one copy that is checked out. I've been meaning to ask them about it, so when I went in on Saturday to pick up a hold, I stopped at the desk first (holds are self-serve, across the room) and asked the woman there if she could tell me anything about it.

She looked up my account while kindly explaining to me that sometimes, if there are a lot of holds, it can take a while for it to be your turn. Uh, yeah, don't teach your grandmother to suck eggs, honey. I repeated that I have been hold 1 of 1 since at least April. 

She looked at my holds, and once she confirmed which title I meant (that would be, again, the one that I'm hold 1 of 1), she said ah and called another person over to confirm that, as the book had been billed, it was apparently not going to be returned at this point, and they should cancel the hold because I would not be getting it. As we circled around this point, one of them mentioned that it had been billed in October.

At this point, I am thinking that if the single copy of a book has been billed for months, the system should not have allowed a hold to be placed on this book. Which I still absolutely believe, but I didn't bother mentioned it to them in that moment, because it's not their fault that the system is set up in this stupid way.

I also did not get into why they wouldn't be reordering the book, which only came out last year, because I do understand that if there isn't demand, they might not. Just because I want it. I do get that.

So they kept saying that they should cancel the hold, should cancel the hold, and I said fine, and went to get the book I was picking up. When I scanned my card, though, it told me that I owed a fine of 50 cents. Now, the fine was real: I was a day late returning two books last month, and since I hadn't returned anything late in a long time, I was surprised that they charge a quarter a day for that. But okay, fair enough, that's the rule and I was late.

But I paid the fine, a week prior, when I was in. I remember that I was pleased that I had two quarters with me to pay it. 

And now it's saying I still owe it. On top of the previous interaction, I was kind of pissed. But okay. I checked out my book and went over to the desk, where the first woman still sat. I told her that it was showing I had a fine, and that I paid it last week, but here's a dollar, could you be sure that comes off. And god love her, I don't know if she's new or she assumes that no one knows what they're doing, but she looks at my account and starts explaining to me which titles it was that I returned late.

Bless her heart. I KNOW.

I put the dollar down and said, I know, here is the money, could you just please take it off the account, and I walked away, probably leaving her thinking I was rude, and maybe I was. But I use the library all the time*, I know how it works, and it's not that I can't afford to pay it, or even to pay it twice, and maybe they do get a lot of people trying to claim they paid when they didn't, but I paid it, I did.
*I have borrowed 50+ books from them in the first half of this year. Didn't finish all of them, but it does indicate I am familiar with how it works.

As I drove home, I was thinking that if the system still says I owe it the next time I'm in, I'm going to have to stand at the desk until they can prove to me that it's really off this time.

And then I got home and when I looked at my account, the hold is still there. That they said multiple times they would have to cancel now. Still there.


I checked the other library I have a card to, and they have the book, so I'll get it from them. But do I have to be the one to cancel the hold at the library here? 


  1. Ugh, that kind of thing drives me nuts!

  2. That thing about being number one of one on the holds has happened to me too! And I also had an incident where it was "in transit" for over a month. I mean really!

    1. In that case, I guess "in transit" really means "it was on the way but we lost track of it." Frustrating!

  3. This sort of thing would fill me with rage. Not at the librarian but just at the frustration of the situation.
    All the libraries in our province have done away with fines - books still have due dates but, in a way, they don't mean anything because you don't get fined. I'm not sure when they determine you're never bringing the book back and make you purchase a new copy? I no longer get fines, but I have had that frustrating transit wait and then it usually comes back with a note that they "can no longer find the book in our system" which I assume means they've given up hope the last borrower is going to bring it back?

    1. I try not to be too annoyed, since after all they are giving me access to books for free, but yeah, sometimes I do get frustrated with their systems!

  4. I've had the same thing happen with a fine but they did trust me to be telling the truth and I think it was 10 cents. Now my library doesn't charge fines at all; I'm not sure how I feel about that. I've also experienced a lost book that I waited for, not knowing it was lost. It was frustrating. I'm a member of three libraries and if I can't get it from one, I try the others. Not so much the Seattle library which I'm not very familiar with.

    1. They need to take lost books out of the system! Not that they have to delete the info, but just remove the ability to put a hold on it.
      I had cards to four systems up north, all of which had branches pretty near me, so I was spoiled. Here I have two, but the other one I have to drive an hour to the nearest branch, so I mostly use it for ebooks.

  5. This is so frustrating. And I am so confused why they didn't buy another copy of the book?!?!

    It is infuriating when someone explains something to you that you know, and that you have already made clear based on what you just said. Ugh!

    1. They must have a system for determining, based on previous borrowing, whether to replace a book or not. I'm willing to forgive them for not automatically replacing it. But still!

  6. I don't use the library, period. It's too much falderal, plus--you have to give the books back. I don't like that. Or, at least you're SUPPOSED to give the books back. I don't spend a lot of money on stuff, so I spend it on books. If I get a bad one, oh well--it's like getting the occasional mealy apple or bag of too-tart grapes. I donate the ones I'm not interested in rereading to Little Free Libraries or the town library's annual book sale, or once in a while, I leave them in our lake community's mailroom to be adopted by another reader.

    I do support libraries; I think they're wonderful. Just not for me.

  7. There are libraries that still do fines?! I am dumbfounded by this.

    1. I know a lot of places have stopped, but not here, apparently! And the fine certainly didn't deter this borrower.

  8. Oh, I also had an eternahold on a book. I asked the librarian after six months and she looked it up and found out it had been damaged and removed from circulation while it was being repaired. The problem was it was taking up one of my precious holds (I only get 10!), so I removed it.

  9. But if the book just came out last year, and someone checked it out last year, and they never returned it, how can the library say they're not reordering it because it wasn't checked out enough?? That makes NO sense.
