Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Like Dad Used to Say

My dad was a bit of a wiseass, and one of his sayings was, "I made a mistake once. I thought I was wrong." In fact, I think he had it on a sign on his desk! I was reminded of it this morning when I was trying to figure something out, and thought that I had made a mistake on my "books read" spreadsheet.

Back in 2013, I started this spreadsheet to keep track of what I read when (some day I plan to write about all the things I use spreadsheets to track). Over the years I have added more and more things to track about each book I finish (I don't track the DNFs). I don't necessarily know what items I added when, but as of today, I put:

  • the date, title, and author
  • whether I read the book for the first time or it was a reread 
  • was it from the library
  • was it sci-fi/fantasy, YA/YR, non-fiction
  • was it on the tablet/e-book
  • was it an advance copy

At the end of the year, I copy the date/title/author fields onto a tab called "combined," so that I can sort by title or author to see when I first read a book, when I started reading an author, how many times I've read a book, that kind of thing.

So, an author I have discovered this year and greatly enjoyed (listing those is another blog post on its own: I've found a bunch this year) is KJ Charles, and she has a new book releasing this week, which is a sequel to the first of hers that I read. I wanted to read the first one again, but it wasn't on my Kindle, AZ doesn't show I bought it, and the entry on my spreadsheet doesn't say I got it from the library. In fact, I didn't check off tablet/e-book either, so I was very confused about how I read the thing: I read more and more e-books these days, so that was where my mind went first.

Finally, I thought to check my actual, physical bookshelf. There it is!

Oh, that's right! I bought the physical book from the UK. They had it on sale, with free shipping. Now I remember.

And now I can read it again before the e-book of The Duke at Hazard drops into my Kindle on Thursday. (I generally prefer not to mix formats, but the e-book is $2.99, and the paperback is $17.99, and for that much of a difference, I can stand it. Well, it's not as expensive from the UK, oddly enough. I may end up ordering that too.)

A note about the series, btw, which is Regency period romance that the author called "Heyer but gayer" (any Georgette Heyer fans reading?): they are neither straight nor straight-laced, so if men with men and on-page sex is not your thing, pass on by. The author has a whole page on content warnings for other items in all her books as well. I very much like her writing style, but everything isn't for everyone.


  1. C, I have a spreadsheet too! Yours is more detailed though. I just note the date, the book, how many days it took to read it, and - recently, within the last two years - my "star" rating.

    1. I have thought about adding star ratings. My only hesitation is that I would get too deeply into the reeds with what to score a book. I dithered for ages trying to come up with a scoring system for my migraines, and only was able to implement it once I took it down to mild-moderate-severe. Keep it simple!

  2. Heyer but gayer! omg, love. I use Goodreads because I suck at spreadsheets, but trying to track some things I'd like to track is difficult and Goodreads is problematic in many ways. But with my declining memory I REALLY need a way to keep track.

    1. This may not be true now, but at the time, Goodreads didn't allow you to mark re-reads, and that is crucial for me, so that's why I started the spreadsheet in the first place. And now I wouldn't give it up, it's exactly what I want from it and yet can be added to any time.

  3. I loved Georgette Heyer and would have no issue with the gayer part of it. I don't think I've ever done a spreadsheet; I'm organized about some things but NOT books. Sadly.

    1. I would never say anyone has to! This is just what works for me. I'm definitely more organized in some facets of life and not in others.

  4. I have only used a spreadsheet that Stephany (from Stephany Writes) sent me for the last two years. I track if it's a book from the library or one I own and because I keep track of format (ebook or not), I can easily tell if it's a book on my shelf, but I would definitely not default to that!

    1. I guess I buy physical copies just often enough to throw myself off! I do buy e-books as well as borrow them, so it's all a motley collection of ways to read. Not a bad life, honestly!

  5. There's an old Peanuts strip with Lucy saying, I never made a mistake in my life. I thought I did once, but I was wrong. So it was fun to read your dad saying something very like.

  6. I love my reading spreadsheet! I've kept one since 2015 so next year, I'll have a whole decade worth of data. Crazy!

    I just added that KJ Charles book to my TBR - I'm always looking for good queer romances!

    1. I enjoy looking at the way the data breaks down! I hope you like the book; I really enjoy her writing.
