Saturday, November 18, 2023

T Minus One

All right, my brother gets here tomorrow morning! The airbed is ready:

Why, yes, those are my twin bed sheets from college, how did you know?

Also, I figured out what to do about the stools: they're serving as a luggage stand for the bin of clothes my brother leaves here:

So that's two problems sorted.

We're going out today to do the last errands: grocery store (I did a bigger run Thursday night but we want fresh fruit etc.), liquor store, the grove for fresh orange juice. But we're in pretty good shape.

Now, I may well blog over the next week, but I may not, so let me wish those who celebrate American Thanksgiving a good one, with yummy food and no killing loved ones for being annoying over the holiday, and may we all return to catch our breath before diving into the rest of the holidays. And for the non-Americans, have a good week!


  1. I'd say you are pretty much set! Enjoy your visit and Happy Thanksgiving.

  2. Looks quite welcoming. I hope you have a lovely visit and a Happy Thanksgiving.

  3. Enjoy your visit! Happy Thanksgiving to you!

  4. Looks great! And thank you--you just brought back to me memories of visiting an orange grove in Florida when I was ten. All the orange juice you can drink, 10c, said the signs, and Dad followed them in. I'd always thought OJ was sharply tart and didn't like it, and everybody said You have to try this! so I did. I actually liked theirs. It was sweeter. But I just drank the one Dixie cup's worth and as we drove away my big sister said I was the only one they'd made money off of. ...I love orange juice as an adult...

  5. Perfect! Hope everything goes well. Happy Thanksgiving ... tomorrow? I think? You live near an actual orange grove? Way cool.

    1. Hello from Florida! The grove sells different varieties as they have their seasons, roughly Nov-April, and they also sell juice if you want to save the energy of squeezing. We've done it both ways. Delicious!
