Friday, September 08, 2023

Who's Confused?

I noticed this in an email from Audible, and thought they had me confused with someone else:

Sports & Outdoors? Me? But then I saw this in the app:

And I realized that, yes, hockey! I had been listening to The Down Goes Brown History of the NHL recently (subtitle: The World's Most Beautiful Sport, the World's Most Ridiculous League), and that is, of course, sports (though not outdoors, these days). It's also a great book if you are or know a hockey fan, and he reads the audio himself and does a great job.

Anyway, mystery solved. On to the next one, where I saw this in the small format that Feedly gives, and thought, wait, is the OUP blog writing about knitting? Because that looks like a shawl:

And even still when I clicked on it and it was a little larger.

Alas, no, though. Here's the full web page size:

Possibly a ceiling? I still think it looks like knitting, though.

But can you trust me? I glanced in the direction of this photo:

And then did a double-take as I checked that, no, the local Walgreens doesn't carry bear spray. Well, or if they do, they aren't advertising it.

And I also looked quickly at this headline from the Publishers Weekly email:

"Amazon and Madeline McIntosh Address AI, In Their Own Ways"

And I thought, wait, Madeline Tosh? Like the yarn? In PW?

A lot of confusion here lately, is what I'm saying. Anything confused you recently?


  1. Ha! We have a family share account for all our streaming services, and every time I get an email saying "Nicole, you might like this" it's so funny. It's pretty much always the opposite of something I might like.

    1. A friend once shared a streaming service with someone who had little kids, and it was always recommending things to her that were for the kids! I guess you have to be patient with that if you're going to share.

  2. Since I never log into Netflix, my "suggestions" list is always just foreign documentaries. *shrug* I won't watch those, either, but I like that I'm mysterious to Netflix.

  3. I would have thought that was a knitted shawl before the photo was enlarged. It looks like a beautiful ceiling and kind of reminds of the Alhambra in Spain!

    1. Yes, that sort of thing! I'm glad I'm not the only one who saw that in the photo.
