Sunday, January 02, 2022

The Ouch First

I have plenty of good things to say about my vacation and my brother's visit, but let's start off with the bad part, shall we? Not bad in the overall scheme of things, but I've been limping around for several days, as I managed to get stung by a bee, on my toe. Agony!

Full disclosure: I am calling it a bee. I didn't actually see the culprit. It might have been a stinging-something-else. Calling it a bee is easier.

We went on a boat tour on Wednesday, more on that later, and after parking the car (well, after figuring out where I was supposed to have parked the car, and moving it), I was walking across some grass to get back to the dock and ow-ow-ow! Instant agony, with me trying not to fall over as I wrenched my sandal off. No sign of anything, but wow did it hurt. I hobbled on and sat on a bench to get a better look, and sure enough, that was a little stinger or something sticking out the side of my toe. Ow.

I had a memory of being stung by a bee on my finger, years ago, and blog to the rescue, that was in 2006. The fact that I vividly remember, 15 years later, how awful it was says something, doesn't it? As I wrote then, "It took a solid week for the swelling to go down, and the itching to stop being a total nuisance."

Today is five days later, and the toe is definitely better than it was yesterday, though that may be helped by not going out today, or wearing shoes for that matter. But I still can't bend it much, and it's at the stage where it itches if I think about it, or brush something against it.

Stupid bee.

Oh, and the other thing is that I got my period last week; not heavily, but still. I was hoping the depo shot would completely eradicate those. Well, making them minimally pesky rather than debilitating is still worth it. But come on, reproductive system: GIVE UP ALREADY.


  1. I was stung by a wasp over the summer and had to ice and elevate it for more than a week. Sending healing thoughts your way!

  2. I did the same thing when I was a kid, stepped on a bee, and it was memorable. I am wincing on your behalf. And no baking soda in water where you were to neutralize it! (Mom to the rescue in my case.)

  3. Oh NO! I'm so sorry you got stung! That sounds really painful. I hope the pain subsides soon.
