Wednesday, January 05, 2022

Not Better Yet

The saga of the bee-stung foot continues, alas. I woke up with it really bothering me, enough that I sent my doctor a message through the portal that basically asked if I should be worrying yet. 

I ended up having a phone appointment at noon (with the other doctor, my doctor's husband; they're in practice together), and he said that it was probably time to treat it, since it sounds like an infection may be coming into play here. He prescribed a steroid and an antibiotic, one for the infection and the other to help with the swelling. He also said I can soak in a few times a day, in warm salt water, and that was feeling pretty nice today (it's not a warm day, but putting slippers on just agitated the toe).

I'm glad that I did reach out, as the foot has definitely taken a step back today, no pun intended; even walking around barefoot feels a bit off. Hopefully these things will help more than they hurt. (I don't remember if I've taken steroids before, but they do have a reputation. Though as I told Mom, considering that my foot hurts, I have my period, and I'm back working after vacation, there may not be a noticeable difference in my mood!)

Sigh. Stupid bee. My toe is so angry.

1 comment:

  1. Yow. I'm so glad you went for help. It was definitely time.

    Was it a steroid cream? Those are much easier to deal with than oral forms, if that helps any.
