Friday, December 18, 2020

Survived Another Week

This was my last full work week before vacation--I work next M-T-W and then I am off, off, off until January--and it was another doozy, but here I am at Friday night at last. 

The period has not made my entire week awful, which is some slight comfort. Monday was simply dreadful; Tuesday was better only by comparison; Wednesday didn't get bad until mid-afternoon; and Thursday and today were nothing, though I did and do feel like I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. We shall see what happens next.

I had a very adorable cat on my lap last night, leading me to stay up much later than I intended to. But seriously. So cute.

I eventually could not stand my full bladder, deadened butt, and sore back any more, and ousted her. She was not pleased, but decided that my bed wasn't such a bad place to spend the night, if I insisted. As I did.

Ahh, weekend!

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