Wednesday, September 02, 2020

Looking Forward To Mail

I miss having things to look forward to, as I've said before. But even without counting the yarn that may or may not ever arrive, I do have a few things to look forward to coming in the mail, sometime if not right away.

  1. There's a Kickstarter for the latest Girl Genius book; I love this webcomic and am happy to get the books as they come out. The campaign is done, the book won't come for a few months, but hey, it's A Thing To Look Forward To (ATTLFT).
  2. Speaking of Kickstarter, Dave Kellett has one for new Sheldon books! I love Sheldon, and it's been a while since he did books of them, so I'm very happy for that. There's another week to go on the campaign, if you want to join in. (Come on, all the cool kids are doing it...). That's ATTLFT, too, though it isn't supposed to ship until December.
  3. This one is not a Kickstarter: the new Morrigan Crow book (middle-grade fantasy) from Jessica Townsend is coming out in October (pandemic-postponed, it was originally coming out earlier this year). The first book, Nevermoor, I got as an ARC in 2017, and loved; the second, Wundersmith, I don't seem to have blogged about (a review here), but it too was excellent, so I've been looking forward to the third. And then the author tweeted about a special box/offer thing: I'd never heard of OwlCrate, had you? Well, they have one for Hollowpox, and I couldn't resist. It comes with the book and other themed goodies, and should be here around publication date, so in, well, less than two months it should be here. Now there is ATTLFT! And sooner than the first two, at least.

So, none of them are coming soon, but at least they give me some hope for something.


  1. I love Sheldon! Thank you for the heads up!

  2. Oh, I was wondering if another Morrigan Crow book was ever coming out!
