Friday, December 06, 2019

Some Improvement, on a Not-Great Day

Yesterday, though I was still dragging, and coughing, and yow-ing when I coughed, I still felt like conditions were not as bad as they had been earlier in the week. Today the improvement was definite, with much less coughing and congestion, and none of the huge, painful sneezes. It still hurts when I cough, and if it isn't considerably better by Monday I'll go in to the doctor's office and have them check, but some improvement is a wonderful thing.

That said, today was an odd and annoying day. The power flicked this morning and threw the modem offline. I tried to get it to reboot, cursing out the need for a magnifier to read the itty-bitty print on the back of it, and a paper clip--in 2019! I needed a fucking paper clip to reboot it! How old is this thing!

I really threw a temper tantrum at it when it wasn't rebooting, after all that, until I realized that hey, the power was actually out. Kind of. In my mother's room, which is where the computer is. In the living room and kitchen. But my office, and my bedroom, and the hall? Had power. It was very odd.

It did come back on, and then shortly thereafter my work computer got something up its nose and I had to restart it, and then it didn't want to start again, and I had to turn it off and let it sit for five minutes, after which it worked.

And then later in the afternoon the power did the same on-here-but-off-there thing. And came back up a while later. And I've just had enough, you know?

It's the weekend. This is good. I made it.

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