Monday, March 18, 2019

Kittens, Too!

Although I posted about my own feline yesterday, I did also go to the shelter and visit the little fuzzies on Sunday.

Mama Trixie is being separated from her kittens, who are pre-adopted (yay!), and when I got there, the cleaning-and-feeding volunteer was letting her roam. Roam she did!
"Oh, hi!"
"I think I'll go over there next."
Which she did!

Meanwhile, little marshmallow fluff was napping when I went in.
And wasn't sure she wanted to wake up at first. (She has the softest fur imaginable.)
Her brother was alert!
And she was, too, in a bit.
Enough to remind me why it's a bad idea to wear capris with ties on them to the shelter.
A cute mistake, but a mistake nonetheless.
For that matter, the little guy reminded me that capris themselves aren't always a good idea, as while I was letting his sister play with the camera strap:
...(and have a wonderful time with it)...
...he tried climbing up my bare leg. Ow ow ow! No photos of that, as I was busy trying to grab him while not dropping her. Ow!

I tried again with the shy mama, but again she was having none of me. When I came in, she was in front of that section to the left, but she went back in as soon as I got through the door. And since all the kittens were in with her, I didn't want to freak her out by trying to get to them.
So I just sat on the floor for a few minutes, by the door, and talked soothingly.

Then I went to visit the new babies: three teeny-teenies, no mama, so they're being bottle-fed. One of them was asleep the whole time I was there, but these two:
Came toddling over as soon as I opened the cage, and my hands were literally full, making sure they didn't fall. The tabby meowed at me for a while, then went off to nap with the sleeper, but the black one kept crawling over me and meowing until I had to go. Baby wanted his next bottle, and who cares if that's not due for half an hour! Meow!

1 comment:

  1. Those kittens are so adorable! And with a shy mom, your time spent interacting with them will make them all the better pets.
