Thursday, April 19, 2018

Angst Deferred

It snowed this morning. Melted once it hit the ground, but still. Snow flakes are discouraging to see on April 19th.

It makes me feel hardhearted not to join my friends in being sad that soon I won't be living here, and it's not that there aren't people (and things) that I will absolutely, definitely miss. It's just that right now, I'm so overwhelmed already with all the everything, and I can't add anything else in. It's like my brain is protecting me, by letting me not focus on this. I know that I will feel it when I'm in Florida, but right now? The decision is made, and it's the right one. Yeah, sorry, I'll miss you too, now hand me that packing tape, would you?

Condo-sale news: The latest thing I'm waiting for is the mortgage lender to come and do the inspection/appraisal thing, in order to decide if they want to give the buyer the money that they want to borrow. I had been hoping it would have happened already, but it hasn't, and now it seems it may happen* when I'm in NY for Grandma's birthday over this weekend.
*And now that I think about it, they had damn well better do it and get it done before Monday night.

Which means my mother and I have to leave the condo in perfect shape before we go, and that's annoying, but I am hoping (very, very hard) that this will be the last of it. Now that the countdown to closing-and-moving is counted in weeks, I need to start packing and getting rid of stuff, and that means making a mess. I'm tired of tidying up everything all the time.

So tonight, I will be packing and tidying and watching the Bruins. And then, well, take it as it comes.

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