Tuesday, April 03, 2018

A Quiet Day

While things continue to move forward, today has been mostly a quiet day. I have a bit of a headache, it's kind of rainy, work was quiet, all of that.

But! I did get to see the photos of the condo, and they are freakishly impressive. They actually look to me almost like they are computer-generated, or a very realistic artist's rendering, except that that's my stuff in there.

For instance, you may remember my photos of the kitchen area from when I was talking about the table-switch stuff. Here's a screen shot of what he did with that.
Impressive, right? And you can hardly tell it's snowing outside.

Then there's the listing. The realtor sent me a draft this afternoon and asked for any edits. I tried to resist the siren call of "there should be a space after that comma" in order to focus on the factual info (such as that she had last year's tax assessment amount, but I've gotten the 2018 one), though I did point out that the description shouldn't start, "If you have searching for..." Picky, picky, picky. Anyway, the listing is now up, and offers are due in by next Tuesday, so expect me to continue to be a bit of a basket case until then (and, let's be honest, probably after that as well).

Meanwhile, the Bruins, who are in first place in the Eastern Conference, play Tampa, the second-place team, in Tampa tonight. The Bruins have won all their games against Tampa so far this season, and I would like them to continue that tonight. The regular season ends on Sunday, and the playoffs start next week. Whee!


  1. Impressive photo, that's for sure. I don't understand "offers due by next..." Are you auctioning the place? I've just never heard a due date for offers in the regular type listing.

  2. Having a professional do the photography makes such a difference. Good luck.
