Wednesday, November 13, 2013

A Surprise, but a Very Very Nice Surprise

As I told you, I applied for a proofreader job over the weekend, and as I said (more than once, I believe), I knew that I might very well not hear back from them at all, particularly not soon. Of course I hoped, but being realistic, no, probably not. I didn't even check my e-mail compulsively, just the usual amount, and my heart didn't lurch when I got a message only to sink when it was something else.

That changed this afternoon!

So, yes, as you may guess, I heard from them today, about setting up a phone interview for Friday. Aaaaahhhhhhhhh!

Ahem. If you could cross your fingers for me on Friday (time to be determined), I would greatly appreciate it.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to memorize their website. In the meantime, here is this for you: a tiger cub who did not wish to prove he can swim, thank you.


  1. Wonderful though I'm not surprised. Fingers crossed my friend.

  2. "Cold water! Cold cold cold cold!"

    Keeping my fingers crossed for you!
