Monday, May 20, 2024

As I Get Ready

I leave on Saturday, and while I haven't started the real work of packing, I brought the luggage upstairs this weekend. 

Someone is starting to have ... suspicions.

"I have a bad feeling about this stuff..."

She's not going to be too happy with me.

Meanwhile, would you look at this forecast?

The break from the humidity will be nice, but I haven't been that cool in months. How many layers can I cram into a carry-on?


  1. Short sleeves, long sleeves and jackets. :) The cat is definitely suspicious!

  2. A handknit cowl goes a long way in the layering-for-warmth department while taking up the least amount of space.

  3. Checking the weather before leaving on vacation is THE WORST. I swear the forecast is always miserable and, usually, it turns out okay? Very much hoping that's your reality!
    Safe travels!!

  4. Leaving fuzzy pals is the worst part of vacation! Good luck with packing layers - and a raincoat!

    1. Thanks! Leaving her isn't fun, but I'll enjoy the break from taking care of her, honestly, and then will be happy to get back to her!

  5. I have to laugh at all your preparations. My preparing for a trip is literally done the day before. There is something to be said for different types of people: planners and seat of pantsers.

    1. Nothing wrong with doing what works for you! Lists and piles and plans is what works for me.

  6. Maggie is plotting her revenge, I'm sure.

    That's a lot of rain! I hope the forecast changes for you.

    1. Thanks, I hope so! I just keep telling myself, good thing I'm not going for the weather.

  7. I always bring the luggage upstairs early too, and Lucy is always giving me the side-eye over it. A forecast with rain for many days is almost never accurate, so I hope it changes for the better. I love cooler weather, so I'm no help there.

    1. I once heard that the forecast is really only accurate to five days out, not reliable beyond that, so I hope things will be better!

  8. You made the smart decision to travel somewhere cooler and get out of the heat/humidity of FL. I'm visiting New Orleans of all places at the end of May. What was I thinking?!
