Wednesday, November 04, 2020

Reading and Reading

I read about two thirds of Hollowpox last night (it's excellent!), but decided that staying up to finish it would cost me sleep I might need in order to get through today, so I went to bed. I think this was the right choice; today has been challenging enough without my being up-until-midnight tired.

I notice from my own list-keeping that I've been reading a lot more in the last month or so than I had been before that--or, I should say, finishing a lot more, since if I start a book and only read part of it, it doesn't go on the list. I've been doing even more re-reading than usual; the only new-to-me* books I finished in October were e-books** that I read while stuck on the couch with a cat on my lap and no book in reach (I try to plan ahead, but sometimes I get caught).

*None of which were at all new

**Either from the library or Project Gutenberg


  • I had re-read Nevermoor and Wundersmith in September, and last week I read Wundersmith again, just to refresh before Hollowpox.
  • I read The Angel of the Crows again; that book is so good! I've read it four times now, and knowing what's going to happen doesn't spoil it for me a bit. So good.
  • I read the two Drive collections again, the space comic from Dave Kellett (author of the comic Sheldon that I love so). I'm ready for the third collection, any time now!
  • I re-read a really mixed bag of others: Charlaine Harris, Georgette Heyer, Patricia Briggs, D. E. Stevenson, Frances Hodgson Burnett...

Have you been reading more, less, or about the same lately? Anything to recommend? I'm partway through one (so it isn't on the list yet) called Hench, by Natalie Zina Walschots, which so far is good--but I can't say for sure until I finish it! 


  1. I should read Drive. Jeff loves it, but I just didn't get into it reading it online. I think the updates were too sporadic for me to really follow it. We have the first two collections.

    I just read The Starless Sea and liked it, once I got into it. Now I'm reading Piranesi and hoping I like it more than her Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell.
