Friday, December 30, 2016

Another "Finally, Friday" Feeling

This has been some week. It's always hard to wrench away from vacation and return to reality, but ugh. Parts of last night didn't go to plan, either.

I did go out, as I had said I would, telling myself that the heavy rain was at least preferable to the snow that other areas were getting. When I got to the gym, though, I found a note up about holiday hours, which said that on Thursday, classes would be held as usual until 5:45. Which, yeah, guess which class starts st 6? Or would, if someone didn't decide that New Year's celebrations should start two damned days before New Year's Eve? (I mean, really, what's up with that?)

Since I was already there, I went ahead and went in anyway; as one of the other women who showed up (there were four of us all together) said, we were doing free-form aerobics. I stayed over half an hour, which was all I could make myself do (though I'm proud I did it at all, really). Then I went to the grocery store, so I could cross that and the bank off my list (since the bank has a branch inside the grocery store), plus, you know, have food in the house. Getting everything out to the car in the pouring rain wasn't much fun, and neither was driving home in the now-wintry-mix. Still, I got it all inside before the rain turned fully to snow, and even before the thunder, which was startling, to say the least.

So I had some dinner, and watched the Bruins surpass their usual stinker of a first period and actually come back for the win, what an amazing thing. And rare, ahem. But it was more enjoyable than I was expecting, so there's that. We'll see if they can repeat that tomorrow afternoon.

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