Thursday, March 31, 2016

Random Ramblings

I was planning to write last night after running a few errands, but I think maybe I am not 100% over this cold, no matter how much better I feel, as just going to two libraries, a sit-down dinner, and then a short Costco run left me exhausted and grumpy on the couch, where I reached for a book instead of the computer. I am happy to say that I went into Costco with a list of five items, and came out with those five and no more, but otherwise, it wasn't exactly to plan.

Today I am feeling an unusually strong case of the don't-wannas. Have to work? I don't wanna (though of course I did, but with more cat breaks than usual). Should do some laundry today? Don't wanna. Stop eating everything that isn't nailed down? Don't wanna. Go swimming after work? Don't wanna.

That last may be in part from having missed three weeks while I was sick, but it may also be influenced by my considering switching gyms. Before class on Tuesday, people were talking as usual and someone mentioned that the manager told her they were going to have to cut some classes, and though he didn't want it to be ours, well... Now, I joined this gym for the evening class, and I wish they had more than one a week, so if they cut it altogether, ouch! But someone else mentioned that LA Fitness has water aerobics classes two nights a week (and they have a couple of locations nearby), so I looked it up, and they do, and one Saturday morning as well. Hmmm! I may need to go and take a look at it.

The Bruins don't play tonight, though they play Thursdays more often than not. Instead, they play tomorrow, Sunday, and Tues-Thurs-Sat next week. And that's the end of the regular season! They are 1-6 in their last seven games (after going 5-2 before that), which explains why their chance of making the playoffs has gone from over 90% a few weeks ago to 73.6% this morning, and is largely reliant on what other teams do. Two weeks ago I was feeling pleased that this year, it didn't look like there would be the mad, end-of-season will-they-make-it rush, but it appears that that, too, was a fever dream. Thanks, guys.

Is all this random enough? Let me close with the TBT photo I put on Facebook this morning of me at age 2, with my doll, outside Grandma's house.
One of my friends commented on it, "I've seen that same smile whilst holding new yarn." True that!

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