Wednesday, March 12, 2025

All She Wants to Do Is Read

I'm working on the overdue post about my trip to Curacao, which is delayed because all I'm doing lately is reading. I've let a lot of tasks drop to plunge into the sea of escapism. Missing Maggie makes me so sad, and I really, really don't want to think about it any more than I already am, so ... I read. 

And I'm not giving myself a hard time about it, because as the saying goes, it is what it is. In fact, a new book came out that I devoured, going by usual MO of racing through the first read and then having to read it again more slowly. Nuance, what's that? What counts is reading and loving it.

I've written about Katherine Addison's books many times; this is the third in her Cemeteries of Amalo series, which are not sequels to The Goblin Emperor, but in the same world. I love all the books, in print but especially in audio, and have been waiting impatiently for this one. And it's so good! I really loved it, and I look forward to reading it again more slowly. And then starting the wait for her next book, whenever that may be.

Don't you just love a good book?


  1. Good books are everything. I'm glad you are finding some distraction from your grief.

  2. Oh god C! I was away and I missed your post about Maggie. Oh, my friend, I am so sorry. What a sad loss for you. It is so hard to lose our furry friends. You gave her a good life and she brought so much happiness to you. It's a heartbreak, missing them. Sending you a big hug.

  3. I love and need a good absorbing book to take my mind off *things,* (insert bad word)

  4. I love a good book! I am glad that you are able to escape into books. I usually find that taking a long walk helps too, and now that there are audiobooks, I can do both at the same time which is wonderful!
