Sunday, September 29, 2019

Shaking Off September

Some good, non-stressful things must have happened in September (in fact, I know they did), but they've been swamped by all the everything else, and though part of me says that the change of the month is meaningless in terms of "luck" or anything like that, I still can't wait for it to be October.

Mom and I have had a kind of dopey, recovering weekend, getting some things done and also sitting around a fair bit. As I noted yesterday, I spent a lot of time providing a cat lap, which is good for the soul but hard on the joints. I'm trying to do a little, cautious planning for my upcoming trip (since I leave a week from Friday, aaahhhhh), and have tempered my unpacking with considerations of what I'll be bringing on the next one (put away: grown-up shoes; don't put away: suitcases).

So that's where things are here. How's with you?

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