Sunday, August 04, 2019


It's been a good weekend, but I'm not really ready for Monday. Am I ever? No. So I'll try to focus on the things I got done, and not on how I'd like more weekend.

For instance, I finished a knitting project! It's not something I'm going to blog about* until it's been sent and received, but I feel good about it. And so ready to start something new! I've been fighting off the startitis for a while, and no, I'm not picking up anything I was working on before. Not today. New new new!
*I don't realize how much I enjoy sharing knitting progress until I'm making a gift and can't show it along the way.

Another thing I'm not blogging about yet is my brother's birthday presents, but that will be fun to show, too. Lots of teasers tonight, I know! If you could see me, blinking and yawning, you'd understand it's all I've got. Here's hoping the week is gentle on me. And you!

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