Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Gradual Improvement

I continue to improve in energy levels, though I haven't yet regained normalcy (and given my usual energy levels [hint: not high], being below normal is a frightening idea). I worked half a day today, plus picked up a few groceries and a prescription refill, so overall I call the day a success.

And over. Early to bed, helps conquer the sleeping sickness. I hope.


  1. Ack - these germs are killer. I hope the plague leaves you soon! At least you have awesome feline support to help you recover!

  2. I've been feeling sluggish and achy all week too - not sick exactly but lousy and with a scratchy throat - and someone at work said they always feel poorly at the change of seasons so now I'm wondering if it's some sort of allergy. But nothing is blooming yet down here .... so not sure.
    Hope you continue to feel better my dear.
