Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Bubble Lights

When I was a kid, our Christmas tree was always a real tree---some years we even went out to cut our own (we have some pretty-funny-in-retrospect home movies of those treks). The house where I grew up had a large living room and the front, round end, was perfect for the tree. 

We had colored lights, mostly what I consider regular bulbs:

But also some of these snowball ones (not a whole string, but mixed in):

And some bubble lights mixed in as well:

Once I was old enough to "help," I got to help Dad put the lights in the tree, which made me feel very important. I loved watching these once they warmed up and started bubbling.

In our current situation, Mom doesn't want a tree enough to deal with the bother, so I haven't had a tree for a few years now. Which, given the last few years, is fine, but I was happy to pull out my bubble light night light this year. It gives a festive feeling. It looks like this:

Where are you on the lights spectrum? 


  1. I love those snowball ones; my late mother-in-law used to have those. I'm a colored light person but use the small ones because I get a 3-4 foot Noble fir that I can handle.

  2. How festive! We had lots of those "regular" bulbs. They would get so hot. And ours were coated with something that would flake off. I bet it was NOT healthy or to code for fire safety, but they were pretty.
    I remember someone talking about bubble lights before and I had never heard of them. Was it you last year? Or maybe in a magazine I was reading at Christmas time?

  3. Look at those bubble lights! Love it. I love all the lights right now because wow, it is dark here. Sunset is before 4 and the days are mainly grey and cloudy. BRING ON EVERY LIGHT AND I'LL TAKE 5000 IU OF VITAMIN D PLZ

  4. Oh my gosh! We had all those very same lights on our tree when I was a kid! And my dad used to want halos of angel hair on some of the lights, too, like his Croatian parents always did.

    I used to be in charge of snapping my fingers on any lights that didn't come on. Sometimes it worked; sometimes it didn't.

    Oh, those memories...

  5. I LOVED the bubble lights as a kid. Then they were declared a fire hazard and the folks refused to put them up anymore. They've since come up with an improved version that's safe and they're still my favorites.

    I grew up in a house with a cathedral ceiling in the living room and we went to a cut-your-own farm every year and got one tall enough for that room. So many happy memories, including a surprise birthday party out of that. Thank you for this post!

  6. I love the look of "the regular lights" and do miss them (especially when they were covered with snow, and just sort of glowed through). But I also remember they would set my Dad OFF, and that wasn't pleasant. We have a pre-lit fake tree that can be white or color lights, and it's good enough for me now.

  7. I remember those lights - they'd give you third degree burns if you touched them. We also had some bubble lights. Great memories.
