Sunday, August 04, 2024

Yeah, Yeah, Hi, I'm Here

I didn't intend to go silent there, but life was a bit much and blogging fell down the to-do list. Mom was in the hospital for two days recently after a medication interaction knocked her sideways, and she's still a bit wobbly, but we're hanging in there.

I did want to pop on today to mention that we're not in danger from the tropical storm you may have heard about (Debby: did you ever hear a less threatening storm name?*), which is currently going by the west coast of Florida. It's side-swiping us, so we're getting plenty of wind** and rain, but we're lucky and it's nothing more. I mean, there's probably street flooding, but I'm not going out today, so not a problem.
*It's making me think of Debbie in the movie Addams Family Values, and I suppose she did have a dark side to her apparent perky cheer, didn't she?
**It is SO windy right now

 Anyway. We're here, we're fine, and I need to restrain myself from reading all day and get some things done.

Reading all day is much more fun, though.


  1. Reading is always more fun! Glad the hurricane isn't causing too many problems. My mom's visits to the hospital have mostly always been because of medicine interactions. Grrrr.

    1. It's so hard to watch, isn't it? She and I both want some answers, and it just isn't that simple.

  2. I am glad you haven't been too impacted by the hurricane! The footage on the news looked terrible in terms of flooding! Sorry to hear about your mom's hospitalization. It's harder to bounce back from issues when you get up in age - we saw that with my grandma. :( I hope she's on the mend soon!

    1. There was a ton of street flooding here, but apparently it is good now. There just isn't anywhere for that much water to go.

      Yeah, Mom just isn't as bouncy as she used to be, and it's hard.

  3. Oh, man. Sorry to hear about your mom! I hope she's doing better and you can get back to a regular schedule, despite hurricanes!

  4. I'm sorry about your mom and glad you get a break on the storm.

  5. So glad you're not getting too much weather from Debby, and also glad you're here!! I also dropped off the blogging world for a bit, so we can make out new debit together! I hope your Mom is doing better now and that things have settled down a bit for you.
